After I connected with the ground I do have the analog value in my control, but the value I have is always in the range of 0-30. I don't know if it is too small, and also wondering why the umber I have have such a big gap with I don't have the ground before.
The problem I have when I put the speaker with press sensor is that when I have the map number some with the lab, my speaker doesn't response. Then I think about the number I have in AnalogRead is way more smaller than 500, so I changed the range to 20,100. And the speaker works.
I changed some numbers in the map and delay trying to see if what those numbers are doing. I kind find they are changing the frequency, but still don't understand what they exactly are.
For the one with play it loud, I also confused by the lab(why is the ground connected with the middle pin?). But I put a different circuit to it and it works
For the map, in this one I also wondering what those numbers are. I realized the motor are rotate very randomly at the beginning. I think it is the problem of the press sensor reading have a very unstable reading, so I changed the range in the map to 12,50( thinking before 12 the motor don't rotate) . And it works, bur I still can't make the thing rotate 360 or different direction or faster... wondering if those umbers can control those status of the motor?
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