Week 4

 In the group project, we are trying to make an interactive teddy bear that can make different sounds by touching other parts
of it. 

In the circuit part, we have two different sensors, one is the touch sensor, and the other is a flex sensor. Each one of the sensors is the bear's hands. The touch of different hands can make a different sound. When you touch both hands together, we can have a whole melody. 

To make the circuit, we used a wire wrapper to make the sensor have a longer wire to achieve the bear's hands. And for it can be easily fitted with the bear, we used a smaller size breadboard. But later on, we may also be going to soldering it on the board.

The first question we met is that the speaker's sound is too quiet, so to make it louder, we changed an Arduino Uno, which has a 5.5v output, and that dose helped a lot. 

Coding-wise, we are trying to finger out to separate these two sensors. We used the if statement and also set up the frequency separately. To make those two sensors have a different sound, I changed the number in the frequency map. One is deep sound and the other one with higher sound. 

For the melody one, we referenced the lad we made and changed the note and note duration. And with the If statement, we call the melody only when these two sensors all have input. We are still thinking hard: the flex sensor is too sensitive, and we kindly don't understand how the sensor is influenced by the flex. Because it will make a sound when we reset the sensor position. 


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