This week we learned more about the serial. From my understanding, the goal of learning it is to connect Arduino with P5.
I reviewed the slid to read more about how the transaction was down.
Lab 2
Serial Input to P5.js
I was having a hard time understanding all the functions. Also, the P5 serial control is unclear to me to control. Also, I have problems understanding the orders of open Arduino, P5 serial control, and P5.
I was correct on every coding part, but my console said it is undefined.
The p5 serial control can read the number, and the p5 also has the canvas drawing. But the undefined keep shows up. So the problem very much happens on the p5 side. And I tried a lot of ways to change some code, it didn't help.Ends up I changed my browser to chrome, and it works.
In lab3, what confused me is which code is actually connecting p5 and Arduino? Are serial read and serial write the same? Are they connected with each other?
In lab 3, the mouse drag one; I think my LED only lights up when I send a letter to it, and it can,t be changed, I am wondering if I did anything wrong with
my code.
my code.
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